Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Traveling into the Jungle in Indonesia

     While I and the other interns were in the heart of the jungle for about 3 days, God showed me so much!  We traveled by a really small, six passenger plane to get interior. Once we were interior, we traveled by canoe. Since we were in a new village every day, we slept somewhere new every night.  Each night we slept inside a building on hard floors.  We lived by daily bread.  We would arrive in a different tribe, have a church service, sleep, and travel the next day.  In the church services, Trevor had each of us share our testimonies.  One night after traveling by canoe all day, we went to a house, laid out our mosquito nets, and then Trevor shared the gospel through pictures.  As we watched him teach the people, one little boy sat with me!  My heart about broke!  What Trevor did with the people I want to do;  I want to teach bible to tribal women and children the gospel.  After a church service, people stayed asking for help from Trevor.  Since he is a nurse, many people came to him with problems.  He went to each individual, listened to them, gave them aspirin, and prayed with them.  Then, he would go on to the next person.  It was like watching Jesus heal people from the bible!  Then we traveled again and did the same thing all over again. God taught me so much about the great sacrifice that He made. 

in the airplane about to take off to go to the jungle :)

sharing my testimony 

Trevor teaching the gospel through pictures because of no written language

A native Dani reading a children's bible :)

our canoe is the one with a rudder :)

Trevor praying with the sick and needy

     Sometimes I would get uncomfortable during the trip.  I thought, I could never be a missionary full-time, but then God reminded me of what Jesus did.  My savior and Lord left Heaven to dwell with sinful man to save them from their sins and the wrath of God!  Jesus left Heaven, couldn't I leave America?  By His grace only, yes!

So many scriptures came to my mind on that trip:  Matthew 6:25-34; Isaiah 41:10; Romans 10:14-15.  God is so faithful and great!

1 comment:

  1. I will be remembering you in my prayers, Danielle. You have the same burdens as I have for the tribal people having not a Bible in their own languages. In God's gracious time and providence, I hope I could see you again and be a partner with you to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ among the lost.

    Humbly yours,
    Daniel A. Surya (Jakarta, Indonesia)
